Dogs are sensitive to their owners' choice despite their own preference表題の論文を日本語訳してみました。翻訳アプリにかけた日本語訳を英文に照らして修正していますが、表記のゆれや訳の間違いがあるかもしれません。正確に内容を知り
Association of polymorphisms in the dopamine D4 receptor gene and the activity-impulsivity endophenotype in dogs書誌情報Hejjas K, Vas J, Topal J, Szanta
Human Expressions of Object Preference Affect Dogs’ Perceptual Focus, but Not Their Action Choices書誌情報Hoi-Lam Jim, Friederike Range, Sarah Marshall-
Old dog, new tricks: Age differences in dog personality traits, associations with human personality traits, and links to important outcomes書誌情報Willi