カイロス時間:All Dogs Live in the Moment--飼い主と一緒なら、何歳からでも犬は変われる


Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire(C-barq)






  1. 「見知らぬ人への攻撃性」Stranger-directed aggression:
    Threatening or hostile responses to strangers approaching or invading the dog’s or owner’s personal space, territory, or home range.
  2. 「飼い主への攻撃性」Owner-directed aggression:
    Threatening or hostile responses to the owner or other members of the household when challenged, manhandled, stared at, stepped over, or when approached while in possession of food or objects.
  3. 「犬への攻撃性」Dog-directed aggression:
    Threatening or hostile responses when approached by unfamiliar dogs.
  4. 「同居犬の対抗心」Dog rivalry:
    Threatening or hostile responses to other familiar dogs in the same household.
  5. 「他人への恐怖」:Stranger-directed fear:
    Fearful or wary responses when approached by strangers.
  6. 「非社会的恐怖」Nonsocial fear:
    Fearful or wary responses to sudden or loud noises, traffic, and unfamiliar objects and situations.
  7. 「犬への恐怖」Dog-directed fear:
    Fearful or wary responses when approached by unfamiliar dogs.
  8. 「分離関連行動」Separation-related behavior:
    Vocalizing and/or destructiveness when separated from the owner, often accompanied or preceded by behavioral and autonomic signs of anxiety including restlessness, loss of appetite, trembling, and excessive salivation.
  9. 「愛着と注目の追求」Attachment and attention-seeking:
    Maintaining close proximity to the owner or other members of the household, soliciting affection or attention, and displaying agitation when the owner gives attention to third parties.
  10. 「訓練性」Trainability:
    Willingness to attend to the owner, obey simple commands, learn quickly, fetch objects, respond positively to correction, and ignore distracting stimuli.
  11. 「追跡」Chasing:
    Chasing cats, birds, and/or other small animals, given the opportunity.
  12. 「興奮性」Excitability:
    Displaying strong reactions to potentially exciting or arousing events, such as going for walks or car trips, doorbells, arrival of visitors, and the owner arriving home; has difficulty settling down after such events.
  13. 「触覚過敏」Touch sensitivity:
    Fearful or wary responses to potentially painful procedures, including bathing, grooming, nail-clipping, and veterinary examinations.
  14. 「活動レベル」Energy level:
    Energetic, “always on the go”, and/or playful.




