Owner reports of attention, activity, and impulsivity in dogs: a replication study書誌情報Lit, L., Schweitzer, J.B., Iosif, AM. et al. Owner reports of
Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire(C-barq)C-barqはペンシルバニア大学のサーペル教授が開発した「犬の行動評価システム」で、犬の行動特性を14の項目に分けて評価するアンケート調査で、犬の飼い主やハンドラ
Association of polymorphisms in the dopamine D4 receptor gene and the activity-impulsivity endophenotype in dogs書誌情報Hejjas K, Vas J, Topal J, Szanta
Canine hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention share similar demographic risk factors and behavioural comorbidities with human ADHD書誌情報Sulkama,
Measuring attention deficit and activity in dogs: A new application and validation of a human ADHD questionnaire書誌情報Judit Vas, József Topál, Éva Péc
Old dog, new tricks: Age differences in dog personality traits, associations with human personality traits, and links to important outcomes書誌情報Willi