Demographics and comorbidity of behavior problems in dogs書誌情報Ian R. Dinwoodie, Barbara Dwyer, Vivian Zottola, Donna Gleason, Nicholas H. Dodman, Dem
Retrospective study on hypersensitivity-hyperactivity syndrome in dogs: long-term outcome of high dose fluoxetine treatment and proposal of a clinical
Owner reports of attention, activity, and impulsivity in dogs: a replication study書誌情報Lit, L., Schweitzer, J.B., Iosif, AM. et al. Owner reports of
Grey wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogs書誌情報Bergström, A., Stanton, D.W.G., Taron, U.H. et al. Grey wolf genomic history reveals a
Impulsive for life? The nature of long-term impulsivity in domestic dogs書誌情報Riemer, S., Mills, D.S. & Wright, H. Impulsive for life? The nature
Development of a human-analogue, 3-symptom domain Dog ADHD and Functionality Rating Scale (DAFRS)書誌情報Csibra, B., Bunford, N. & Gácsi, M. Develop
Ancestry-inclusive dog genomics challenges popular breed stereotypes書誌情報Kathleen Morrill et al., Ancestry-inclusive dog genomics challenges popular
Investigation of Physiological and Behavioral Responses in Dogs Participating in Animal-Assisted Therapy with Children Diagnosed with Attention-Defici
Investigating canine personality structure using owner questionnaires measuring pet dog behaviour and personality書誌情報Diana J. Rayment, Richard A. Pe
Emotional Contagion From Humans to Dogs Is Facilitated by Duration of Ownership書誌情報Katayama M, Kubo T, Yamakawa T, Fujiwara K, Nomoto K,Ikeda K, M
Orienting Asymmetries in Dogs’ Responses to Different Communicatory Components of Human Speech書誌情報Victoria F. Ratcliffe, and David Reby, Current Bio
Canine hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention share similar demographic risk factors and behavioural comorbidities with human ADHD書誌情報Sulkama,
Dogs may never learn that every sound of a word matters書誌情報"" DECEMBER 8, 2020表題の記事を日本語訳してみました。翻訳アプリにかけた日本語訳を英文に照らして修正していますが、表記のゆれや訳の間
Human Expressions of Object Preference Affect Dogs’ Perceptual Focus, but Not Their Action Choices書誌情報Hoi-Lam Jim, Friederike Range, Sarah Marshall-
Investigating canine personality structure using owner questionnaires measuring pet dog behaviour and personality書誌情報Diana J. Rayment, Richard A. Pe
Association between puppy classes and adulthood behavior of the dog書誌情報Ángela González-Martínez, María Fuencisla Martínez, Belén Rosado, Isabel Luño
Measuring attention deficit and activity in dogs: A new application and validation of a human ADHD questionnaire書誌情報Judit Vas, József Topál, Éva Péc
Neural mechanisms for lexical processing in dogsErratum for the Report “Neural mechanisms for lexical processing in dogs” by A. Andics, A. Gábor, M.