Dogs found able to perceive slight changes in human spoken words

A team of researchers with the University of Sussex, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and the University of Lyon, has found that dogs are able to detect minor differences in spoken human words. In their paper published in the journal Biology Letters, the group describes experiments they carried out with pet dogs and what they learned about their ability to hear slight differences in human language.

サセックス大学国防科学技術研究所、リヨン大学の研究チームは、犬が人間の話し言葉のわずかな違いを聞き分けることができることを発見した。『Biology Letters』誌に掲載された論文の中で、研究グループはペットの犬を用いて行った実験と、人間の言葉のわずかな違いを聞き取る能力について学んだことを述べている。

A team of researchers with the University of Sussex, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and the University of Lyon, has found that dogs are able to detect minor differences in spoken human words. In their paper published in the journal Biology Letters, the group describes experiments they carried out with pet dogs and what they learned about their ability to hear slight differences in human language.
Dogs found able to perceive slight changes in human spoken words (

Dogs perceive and spontaneously normalize formant-related speaker and vowel differences in human speech sounds 書誌情報Holly Root-Gutteridge, Victoria F....