カイロス時間:All Dogs Live in the Moment--飼い主と一緒なら、何歳からでも犬は変われる


Orienting Asymmetries in Dogs’ Responses to Different Communicatory Components of Human Speech

書誌情報Victoria F. Ratcliffe, and David Reby, Current Biology, Volume 24, issue-2912, DECEMBER 15, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.10.030




• Dogs show different orienting asymmetries depending on speech signal content
• A left-hemispheric bias was shown for meaningful phonemic cues
• Salient intonational and speaker-related cues produced a right-hemispheric bias
• Dogs’ hemispheric responses to speech are comparable to those of humans

  • 犬は音声信号の内容によって異なる指向性非対称性*1を示す
  • 意味のある音素材の手がかりに対して左半球のバイアスが示された
  • イントネーションと話者に関する顕著な手がかりは右半球バイアスを生じさせる
  • 犬の音声に対する大脳半球の反応は人間と同等である



It is well established that in human speech perception the left hemisphere (LH) of the brain is specialized for processing intelligible phonemic (segmental) content (e.g., [1, 2, 3]), whereas the right hemisphere (RH) is more sensitive to prosodic (suprasegmental) cues [4, 5].


Despite evidence that a range of mammal species show LH specialization when processing conspecific vocalizations [6], the presence of hemispheric biases in domesticated animals’ responses to the communicative components of human speech has never been investigated.


Human speech is familiar and relevant to domestic dogs (Canis familiaris), who are known to perceive both segmental phonemic cues [7, 8, 9, 10] and suprasegmental speaker-related [11, 12] and emotional [13] prosodic cues.

ヒトの音声は家庭犬(Canis familiaris)にとって身近なものであり、分節的な音素手がかりと超分節的な話者関連および感情の韻律手がかりを知覚することが知られている。

Using the head-orienting paradigm, we presented dogs with manipulated speech and tones differing in segmental or suprasegmental content and recorded their orienting responses.


We found that dogs showed a significant LH bias when presented with a familiar spoken command in which the salience of meaningful phonemic (segmental) cues was artificially increased but a significant RH bias in response to commands in which the salience of intonational or speaker-related (suprasegmental) vocal cues was increased.


Our results provide insights into mechanisms of interspecific vocal perception in a domesticated mammal and suggest that dogs may share ancestral or convergent hemispheric specializations for processing the different functional communicative components of speech with human listeners.


結果と考察:Results and Discussion

Each dog took part in one trial in which they were presented with a single sound stimulus from either one of eight conditions in which speech samples were resynthesized to vary the relative salience of segmental (phonemic) versus suprasegmental (speaker cues and intonation) information or from one of two control conditions (Figure 1).


Using the head-orienting paradigm, the sound was played simultaneously from both sides of the subject, and the direction of the subject’s initial orienting response (left or right) was recorded. We obtained head-orienting responses from 25 dogs in each condition.


Given that auditory information entering each ear is processed mainly in the contralateral hemisphere of the brain via the dominant contralateral auditory pathways [14], it is assumed that if the dog turns with its left ear leading in response to the sound, the acoustic input is processed primarily by the right hemisphere (RH), whereas a right turn would indicate primary left hemisphere (LH) processing [15].


A binary logistic regression analysis identified a significant overall effect of auditory condition on head-turn direction [Wald(8) = 37.61, p < 0.001], indicating that the content of the acoustic signals affected the direction of hemispheric lateralization during perception (Figure 2).

二項ロジスティック回帰分析により、ヘッドターンの方向に対する聴覚条件の有意な全体効果が確認され [Wald(8) = 37.61, p < 0.001] 、音響信号の内容が知覚時の半球側性の方向に影響することが示された(図2)。

There were no significant effects of subject sex (p = 0.76), age (p = 0.15), breed type (p = 0.37), current residence (animal shelter or private home; p = 0.16), stimulus exemplar (p = 0.23), stimulus voice gender (where applicable; p = 0.70), or test location (p = 0.18) on responses.

被験者の性別(p = 0.76)、年齢(p = 0.15)、犬種(p = 0.37)、現在の居住地(動物保護施設または個人宅;p = 0.16)、刺激模範(p = 0.23)、刺激音声性別(該当箇所)、試験場所(p = 0.18)による反応への有意な影響は見られなかった。


Responses to Speech with Increased Salience of Meaningful Segmental Phonemic Cues

In test 1, dogs were presented with a familiar learned command in which the original positive intonational cues were artificially degraded (“come on then” with a flat intonation; meaningful speech with neutralized intonation).

テスト1では、学習したコマンドのイントネーションを人為的に低下させたコマンドを犬に提示した(「come on then」はフラットなイントネーション、「meaning speech」は中和したイントネーション)。

They showed a significant right-head-turn response bias (binomial test: 80% right head turn, p = 0.004), suggesting that when suprasegmental intonation is neutralized and segmental phonemic cues become more salient, dogs display a LH advantage.

その結果、有意な右向き反応バイアス(二項検定:80%右向き時、p = 0.004)を示し、分節上イントネーションが中和され、分節音素手がかりがより顕著になると、犬はLH優位性を示すことが示唆された。

To verify that the LH response bias was specific to the phonemic content, in test 2, we further degraded the same command by replacing the first three formants with sine waves (meaningful sine-wave speech), strongly reducing suprasegmental cues (emotional and speaker related) but retaining meaningful segmental phonemic information.


Here, too, dogs showed a significant right-head-turn bias (binomial test: 76% right head turn, p = 0.015), reinforcing the interpretation that in dogs the LH is sensitive to segmental phonemic information independently of the nature and naturalness of the acoustic elements composing the signal.

ここでも、犬は有意な右向きバイアス(二項検定:76%右向き、p = 0.015)を示し、犬ではLHは信号を構成する音響要素の性質や自然さとは別に、分節的な音韻情報に敏感であるという解釈を補強した。

These observations parallel the LH bias observed in humans when processing phonemic content in natural speech (e.g., [1, 2, 3]) and sine-wave speech signals [16].



Responses to Speech with Increased Salience of Suprasegmental Cues

Both speaker-related (indexical) and emotional (dynamic) cues are encoded in the suprasegmental content of speech signals.


We first tested dogs’ responses to speaker-related indexical cues by exposing them to a comparable phrase with neutralized intonation, but spoken in an unfamiliar language (test 3: meaningless [foreign] speech with neutralized intonation).


Here the phonemic cues were unfamiliar and the intonational prosodic cues were removed, whereas indexical speaker-related cues remained intact.


Dogs in this condition showed a significant left-head-turn bias (binomial test: 24% right head turn, p = 0.015), demonstrating a RH advantage when processing salient speaker-related suprasegmental content in speech.

この条件において、犬は有意な左向きバイアス(二項検定:24%右向き、p = 0.015)を示し、発話中の顕著な話者関連上位区分内容を処理する際にRHが有利であることが示された。

Dogs are known to perceive speaker-related vocal cues such as identity [11] and gender [12], and the observed RH advantage is consistent with human RH lateralization when processing these features [4, 17, 18].


We also tested dogs’ responses to emotional prosodic cues by presenting them with a version of the original command in which the phonemic components had been removed by extracting the formants and plosives, creating unintelligible speech-like vocal stimuli with reduced speaker cues but positive emotional prosody (test 4: meaningless voice with positive intonation).


Here, too, dogs showed a significant left-head-turn bias (binomial test: 28% right head turn, p = 0.04), showing that when segmental phonemic cues are neutralized and suprasegmental emotional prosodic cues become more salient, dogs also display a RH advantage.

ここでも、犬は有意な左向きバイアス(二項検定:28%右向き、p = 0.04)を示し、分節的音素手がかりが中和され、超分節的感情韻律手がかりが顕著になると、犬もRH優位を示すことが示された。

This result furthers recent neuroimaging evidence that auditory regions in the dog’s RH are sensitive to emotional valence in both conspecific calls and human nonverbal vocalizations, with increased activation in response to calls with greater positive valence [19].


Similarly, humans show stronger RH activation not only in response to emotional speech prosody and vocalizations, but also when exposed to animal vocalizations with strong affective content independently from their familiarity with the species [20], suggesting that the perception of emotional content in vocalizations, and its lateralization to the RH, maybe be conservative across mammals.



Response to Speech When Both Meaningful Segmental Phonemic and Suprasegmental Prosodic Cues Are Salient

When, in test 5, dogs were exposed to intact meaningful speech containing both segmental phonemic and suprasegmental prosodic cues (“come on then” with happy intonation; meaningful speech with positive intonation), no significant head-turn bias was found (binomial test: 48% right head turn, p = 1.00).

テスト5では分節的音韻と上分節的韻律を含む意味のある音声(幸せそうなイントネーションの「come on then」、ポジティブ・イントネーションの意味のある音声)をそのまま犬に聞かせたところ、有意な頭の向きの偏りは見られなかった(二項検定:右向き48%、p = 1.00 )。

While directing dogs’ attention to either of these components using manipulated speech was found to produce opposite hemispheric biases in the previous tests, the simultaneous presence of salient segmental and suprasegmental cues that characterizes natural speech results in the absence of a bias at the population level [14, 21].

操作された音声を用いて犬の注意をどちらかに向けると半球の偏りが生じることがこれまでの試験で確認されているが、自然音声の特徴である顕著な分節的・上分節的手がかりが同時に存在すると、集団レベルでは偏りが生じないことになる 。


Do Hemispheric Biases Relate to the Communicative Content of the Signal?

Two competing interpretations of hemispheric asymmetries [22, 23, 24] can be applied to our observation that in dogs the LH is primarily sensitive to segmental phonemic content, whereas the RH is primarily sensitive to suprasegmental cues.


Acoustic (cue-dependent) theories propose that in humans, auditory processing areas in the RH operate at a lower temporal resolution than those of the LH, resulting in a greater preference for processing slow acoustic modulation including suprasegmental cues in speech, whereas the LH is more specialized in analyzing rapidly changing auditory information such as phonemic cues.


To test whether the RH bias in response to suprasegmental cues could be explained by a general preference for slow acoustic modulation, we presented dogs with a sine-wave tone matching the intonation contour of the original command (test 6: sine-wave intonation).


No orientation bias was found in response to this condition (binomial test: 56% right head turn, p = 0.69), signifying that the observed RH bias for suprasegmental cues in speech does not generalize to slow frequency modulation across any acoustic signals.

この条件では、方向性の偏りは見られず(二項検定:56%右向き、p = 0.69)、発話における分節上合図に対するRHバイアスが、あらゆる音響信号における遅い周波数変調に一般化しないことを意味することが示された。

Furthermore, in our study, dogs expressed opposite response biases to speech signals with equivalent spectrotemporal complexity (meaningful and meaningless [foreign] speech with neutralized intonation), suggesting that the LH bias in dogs’ responses to meaningful phonemic cues was not purely dependent on the increased salience of the rapidly modulated components in the signal, but also on the functional relevance of these cues.


Our results therefore appear to be more consistent with the functional interpretation of lateralization, which proposes that hemispheric specialization is dependent on the communicative function of the acoustic content.


Indeed, the observation that the LH is preferentially recruited when dogs process the phonemic cues of the highly familiar and learned command “come on then” is consistent with reports that the LH tends to respond to familiar or learned patterns across mammals [25].

実際、犬が 「come on then」という非常に親しみやすく学習されたコマンドの音韻を処理する際にLHが優先的に使用されるという観察結果は、哺乳類全体でLHが親しみやすく学習されたパターンに反応する傾向があるという報告と一致している。

To clarify whether the LH bias observed in response to meaningful speech with neutralized intonation was related to the subjects’ familiarity with the command (which could be related to familiarity with the speakers’ accents and/or familiarity with the phonemes independently of their meaning) or whether this bias was dependent on the learned functional relevance of the command itself, we carried out additional tests changing either the familiarity of the speaker’s accent or the familiarity of the phonemic content in the signal.


Based on the significant LH response bias obtained in the meaningful sine-wave speech condition, in which the speaker-related cues were degraded, we predicted that reducing the familiarity of the speaker’s accent would not influence responses.


Dogs presented with the original command with degraded prosodic cues, but spoken by a nonnative British speaker (test 7: meaningful speech in an unfamiliar accent with neutralized intonation), also showed a significant right-head-turn bias (binomial test: 72% right head turn, p = 0.04), confirming that the LH response bias obtained in test 1 was not dependent on the familiarity of the speaker’s accent.

また、韻律を劣化させたオリジナルのコマンドを提示した犬(テスト7:馴染みのないアクセントで中和したイントネーションで意味のある発話)でも、有意な右向きバイアス(二項検定:72%右向き、p = 0.04)を示し、テスト1で得られたLH反応バイアスが話者の馴染みのなまりに依存しないことが確認された。

We then assessed whether LH responses were dependent on the presence of meaningful phonemic cues, or merely familiar phonemic cues, by presenting dogs with a pseudoword phrase using the same phonemes as the original command (“thon om ken” with neutralized intonation; meaningless phonemes with neutralized intonation; test 8): both the phonemes and speaker accent were familiar, but the phrase was meaningless.

そこで、元のコマンドと同じ音素を使った疑似単語フレーズ(「thon om ken」中和イントネーション付きの無意味な音素; テスト8)を犬に提示し、音素と話者のアクセントは知っているがフレーズは無意味な、LH反応が意味のある音素キューに依存するか、単に知っている音素キューに依存するかを評価した。

Dogs in this condition showed a significant left-head-turn response bias (binomial test: 20% right head turn, p = 0.004), which confirms that increasing the salience of segmental phonemic content in speech only generates a LH response bias in dogs if it is functionally meaningful—i.e., if it is known to trigger a specific learned response from the animal.

この条件では、犬は有意な左向きの反応バイアス(二項検定:20%右向き、p = 0.004)を示した。このことから、音声中の区分音素の顕著性を高めることは、それが機能的に意味のある場合、すなわち、動物から特定の学習反応を引き起こすことが分かっている場合のみ、犬のLH反応バイアスを生み出すことが確認された。

This is in agreement with speech perception in humans, as only intelligible speech generates a LH processing bias [3].


Our findings therefore demonstrate that in dogs, the LH also preferentially responds to phonemic content with meaningful communicative value, whereas voice or speech-like stimuli lacking this information generate RH biases.



Do Hemispheric Biases Extend to Nonvocal Signals?

To test whether the LH response bias to meaningful phonemic cues would generalize to nonvocal stimuli with learned communicative value, we presented dogs with a meaningful whistle (test 9).


No significant head-turn bias was found (binomial test: 60% right head turn, p = 0.42), suggesting that the LH advantage for meaningful phonemic content in speech may not extend to other familiar and communicatively relevant nonvocal sounds.

その結果、有意な頭の向きの偏りは見られず(二項検定:60%右向き、p = 0.42)、音声の意味ある音素に対するLHの優位性は、他の身近でコミュニケーションに関連する非音声にも及ばない可能性を示唆した。

While this result may seem in opposition with the LH advantage that characterizes the perception of articulated whistled language by experienced human listeners [26], articulated whistled languages encode phonological segmental information [27] and are therefore more comparable to the meaningful sine-wave speech used in test 2, which also triggered a LH bias.


In contrast, the simple command whistles used in our study did not contain segmental information (they did not result from the combination of phonological units) and were therefore more comparable to the intonation contours used in test 6, which also failed to trigger a bias.


Finally, because stimuli used in all of the conditions eliciting a RH response bias were resynthesized, the perceived novelty of these sounds could have generated stronger RH activation [25].


However, at least equally novel resynthesized stimuli elicited a LH bias (e.g., meaningful sine-wave speech) or no bias (sine-wave intonation).


Moreover, when dogs were exposed to a novel artificial sound (test 10: pink noise) containing neither segmental nor suprasegmental frequency modulation, they showed no significant orientation bias (binomial test: 48% right head turn, p = 1.00).

さらに、分節性・上分節性周波数変調を含まない新規人工音(テスト10:ピンクノイズ)を犬に聞かせたところ、有意な方向の偏りはみられなかった(二項検定:48%右向き、p = 1.00)。

Furthermore, analysis of each subject’s behavior across conditions after the sound was presented showed that the frequencies of occurrence of each of the observed behaviors (head tilt, startle, approach, look at owner) were not associated with conditions that produced only LH or RH biases (see the Supplemental Results).


This suggests that the hemispheric biases did not arise from the perceived novelty or intrinsic unnaturalness associated with resynthesized stimuli.




Our study demonstrates that dogs preferentially process meaningful segmental phonemic information in speech in the LH, while human voices lacking this information (therefore increasing the salience of prosodic and/or speaker-related cues) generate stronger RH activation.


The parallel between these hemispheric biases and those reported in humans suggests that dogs may dissociate and process the communicatory components of speech in a way that is broadly comparable with humans.


Further investigations using different techniques are now necessary to identify the specific brain regions involved when dogs process speech.


The striking correspondence between dogs’ and humans’ hemispheric biases reported here may reflect convergent evolution if dogs have been selected to respond to human vocal signals during domestication [28].



Alternatively, they may be indicative of shared hemispheric specializations that are present across phylogenetically distant mammal species and expressed when exposed to functionally meaningful speech signals.


To test these hypotheses more directly, further experiments could replicate our study with other domesticated (e.g., horses) versus nondomesticated (e.g., captive wolves) species that are regularly exposed to human speech.


実験方法:Experimental Procedures



Subject animals were over 6 months old, healthy with no known hearing or sight problems, and not aggressive toward people.


Owners of dogs exposed to the English speech confirmed that their dog responded to the command “come on then” or a similar variant.

英語音声を聞かせた犬の飼い主は、自分の犬が「come on then」またはその類似のコマンドに反応することを確認した。

Owners of dogs exposed to whistles confirmed that they regularly whistled to call their dog and chose a comparable whistle from the available stimuli.


Only dogs with no previous exposure to French were presented with meaningless (foreign) speech with neutralized intonation or meaningful speech in an unfamiliar accent with neutralized intonation.


An a priori power analysis conducted using GPower [29] with power (1 – β) set at 0.80 and α = 0.05, two-tailed, showed that a minimum sample size of n = 20 was required in each condition for detecting a medium sized effect in a binomial test.


We included the first 25 dogs that reacted to the stimuli in each condition.


A small proportion of subjects (n = 35) failed to react to the stimuli (with an even distribution of failed responses across conditions [χ2(9) = 11.57, p = 0.24]) and were excluded from the study at the time of testing.

ごく一部の被験者(n = 35)は、刺激に反応しなかったため(条件によって反応しなかった割合が均等に分布している[χ2(9) = 11.57, p = 0.24] )、試験時に研究から除外された。

The 250 dogs retained in the analysis included 123 females and 127 males from 63 different breeds. Ages ranged from 6 months to 14 years old (mean ± SD = 4.14 ± 2.96 years).


A total of 221 dogs were privately owned pets, and 29 were housed in a local animal shelter.




Two speakers (SONY SRS-A60) were placed 1.5 m to the right and left of the center point. The side of each speaker was counterbalanced across subjects.

中心点から左右に1.5m離れた場所に2つのスピーカー(SONY SRS-A60)を設置した。各スピーカーのサイドは、被験者間でカウンターバランスを調整した。

The speakers were connected to a laptop placed on a table 3 m from the center point. A video camera was positioned underneath the table to record the dog’s response (Figure 3).


A N05CC Digital Mini Sound Level Meter was used to ensure that the speakers broadcast at the same volume. Trials were conducted at one indoor and two outdoor locations (see the Supplemental Experimental Procedures).




The dog was held on a loose lead by its owner (or a research assistant for shelter dogs), who was naive to the experimental conditions.


The owner positioned his/her dog at the center point, facing the table, and then stood still directly behind the dog.


The experimenter stood behind the table facing the dog and attracted the dog’s attention by saying its name. When the dog was stationary and facing directly forward, the experimenter looked down at the laptop (to avoid providing any gaze cues) and played the stimulus once.


Stimuli were presented at 65 dB in pseudorandomized order across trials, with equal numbers of male and female voices, until 25 subjects responded in each condition.


Trials ended when the dog was no longer oriented toward one of the speakers. Dogs that did not react to the sound between the stimulus onset and 2 s after the offset were recorded as nonresponsive.



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